PPT to EXE Converter is is an application that will help you convert your PPT files into EXE files. The EXE files can be copied to any computer and will run on Windows 2000 (SP4 or newer), XP (SP1 or newer), 2003 Server, or Vista without requiring any additional program files.
If you want to send someone your PowerPoint presentation, or distribute it via the internet or through data CDs, the best way to ensure that everyone can view your presentation (no matter whether they have installed the needed version of PowerPoint on their computers) is to convert to a self-running EXE file using PPT to EXE Converter.
PPT to EXE Converter do not require Microsoft PowerPoint. And, the self-running exe file converted does not require Microsoft PowerPoint on your viewer's computer.
PPT to EXE Converter can do Single conversion and Batch conversion.
PPT to EXE Converter can help you to generate your own exe output exe file, such as : you can assign icon images for output exe file and config your picture images before or after presentation.
Versatile utility to transform your PowerPoint presentations into Flash videos.
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